Bone Family Portait
Jamina Bone
The Illustrator
Jamina started her career as a figurative artist working under mentor and colleague, Lacey Lewis in Kansas City a decade ago. After the birth of her 2 kids, she felt the need for change and dove head first into illustration. "I felt the need to draw, but couldn't manage several hours at a time on a developed drawing." Jamina explains, "Hanging out with a 1 year old and 4 year old can be riot in both senses of the word. There are times we have so much fun drawing and painting together, and other times when we realize the place is a disaster." Her toddler boss keeps her on her toes with nursing, cooking, diaper changes, and retrieving random objects from the toilet when the door isn't shut. "Working from home allows me to be fully immersed in my kids' lives which is very important to me. It's not perfect by any means, but through prayer and time with my loving creator, my husband's support, and seperate chunks of kid-free drawing time we manage quite well."